What Does it Mean that the Therapist I Like is a Registered Psychotherapist Qualifying - RP (Qualifying)

What Does RP (Qualifying) Mean?

Registered psychotherapist qualification
Registered psychotherapist

What Does it Mean that the Therapist I Like is a Registered Psychotherapist Qualifying - RP (Qualifying)

The College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario requires its members to have a period of “Qualifying” after they are done their training. It means that they have to write an exam and get some more supervision hours. Those that have their RP (Qualifying) are completely done their official training and insurance companies do cover their work if your plan covers Psychotherapists. If a concern comes up with your insurance, we can issue a receipt that has both their info and their supervisor’s info on it.

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267 Runnymede Rd,
Toronto, ON, M6S 2Y5
