Signs Of Depression in Teens

Signs of depression in teens

Signs Of Depression in Teens

Signs of depression in teens

How can you recognize depression in teens? A parent of a teen experiencing depression might say or think something like…

  • My teen isn’t sleeping right. They either can’t get to sleep, stay asleep or they are sleeping a lot and I can’t get them out of bed.

  • They’ve lost their spark or their energy.

  • They’re eating too much or too little. They gained or lost weight because of it.

  • They don’t hang out with their friends as much anymore.

  • They’ve suddenly changed friends in a way that feels out of character for them.

  • They’re complaining about unusual aches and pains, especially belly aches.

  • They seem out of it and can’t seem to focus.

  • They are suddenly smoking a lot of weed. (Well. most parents would say ‘pot’ and their teen would say ‘weed’). Or they are suddenly drinking a lot.

  • They got in trouble with the police recently.

  • They got into a fight.

  • Something is up with school. For the first time they’ve had changes in their grades or changes in the feedback from teachers. They just aren’t themselves.

  • I can’t pinpoint the symptoms, but something with my parental spidey senses says something has happened and/or they just aren’t themselves.

  • They straight up told me they weren’t doing well and said they needed to talk to someone.

Some of these situations/changes could also be indicators of something else, but they are typically associated with depression. Sometimes, these changes in your teen can be difficult to manage. It’s natural to try and address the behaviour… especially if you are worried about them. Often, addressing the underlying issues, challenges, and feelings resulting in these behaviours is an important part of helping teens get back on track.

Here Is An Overview Of What Counselling Might Look Like

Depending on your teen’s situation, there are a variety of routes we can take with their counselling. First sessions generally serve as consultations to get an idea of your teen’s situation. From there, we may work with your teen over a handful of sessions or an even longer period of time. We have found that counselling is a truly healing experience for many teens, and talking through their issues is a great way for them to reconnect to themselves and their families.

Being seen, heard, known, and understood is extremely important for everyone – and no less for a teen navigating new emotions and experiences. Through our sessions, we will help your teen work through their emotions and build positive relationships

exploring teen therapy at Toronto Counselling centre for teens

Are you interested in exploring therapy for your teen?

Depending on your teen’s situation, there are a variety of routes we can take with their counselling. First sessions generally serve as consultations to get an idea of your teen’s situation. From there, we may work with your teen over a handful of sessions or an even longer period of time. We have found that counselling is a truly healing experience for many teens, and talking through their issues is a great way for them to reconnect to themselves and their families.

Being seen, heard, known, and understood is extremely important for everyone – and no less for a teen navigating new emotions and experiences. Through our sessions, we will help your teen work through their emotions and build positive relationships

Simply put, counselling works: it could help your teen feel better and lead to a positive shift within your family.

We welcome and encourage questions (you may have lots). Our FAQ page may be able to address some of these.

If you’re interested in learning more, speaking to one of our Client Care Coordinators should help clear up questions you may have about finding a therapist that fits your teen’s needs and personality, how counselling generally works, or any other topic. All calls are commitment-free. We can address any further questions or concerns and/or connect you to a therapist that can meet your needs.

Or, if you’re ready you can also book a time yourself! Meet the team or book now.

exploring teen therapy at Toronto Counselling centre for teens

Toronto Counselling Centre for Teens:
Supporting Your Journey Towards Wellness

Learn more about how our counsellors can help with depression by contacting us at 416-565-4504 or by email at Ready to take that first step? book your appointment today — it’s always the right time to try.

Visit us

267 Runnymede Rd,
Toronto, ON, M6S 2Y5

Open Hours

Monday to Friday
10am - 8pm
Saturday and Sunday
10am - 6pm

Book An Appointment Now


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267 Runnymede Rd,
Toronto, ON, M6S 2Y5
